
Administrative information

2021 m.
Acknowledgement of “Connected Lithuania” and “Window to the Future” to Kaunas County Public Library. February 2021.
Acknowledgement of VMU Botanical Garden to Kaunas County Public Library. VMU Botanical Garden event “Night of Scents”, July 2021. 2020–1999

„Citroen Jumpy“ – valst. Nr. JEP 670
„BMW 525“ – valst. Nr. BGK 603

Public Body Kaunas County Public Library (“Oak Grove Library”) in order to ensure the transparency and publicity of its activities, carries out corruption prevention. The aim of corruption prevention is to prevent the emergence and development of corruption in the activities of the Oak Library by eliminating gaps in actions, procedures, and other areas that may create conditions conducive to corruption.

If you think you have come across a case of corruption in the Oak Library, do not hesitate to report it to law enforcement.
You can contact the Special Investigation Service of the Republic of Lithuania 24 hours a day by calling (8 5) 266 3333, emailing or by filling in the online reporting form. For more detailed information on how to report to the Special Investigation Service of the Republic of Lithuania or other law enforcement authorities, please visit the website of the Special Investigation Service of the Republic of Lithuania under the heading “Reporting Corruption” (in Lithuanian).

Please note that the laws of the Republic of Lithuania prohibit defamation or falsely accusing another person of committing a crime. Such acts are punishable under Articles 154 and 236 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Lithuania (in Lithuanian).

In accordance with the Law on Prevention of Corruption of the Republic of Lithuania, the person responsible for creating a corruption-proof environment in the Oak Grove Library is Miglė Proškienė, lawyer of the General Affairs Department, e-mail: (Radastų St. 2, Kaunas, room 409).

In accordance with the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on the Harmonisation of Public and Private Interests in the Public Service (in Lithuanian), the Compliance Officer of the Oak Grove Library is Džiuljeta Medžiaušienė, Public Procurement Specialist, e-mail: (Radastų St. 2, Kaunas, room 212).

Other legislation related to the prevention of corruption

The Law on the Protection of Speakers of the Republic of Lithuania establishes the possibility to provide information on violations of law that threaten the public interest, or persons who violate it in the Oak Grove Library (Public body Kaunas County Public Library), who are or have been bound by service, employment or contractual relations with the Oak Grove Library.

The following acts shall be reported:

  1. A criminal offence may be being prepared, committed or in progress.
  2. An administrative offence.
  3. Official misconduct or breach of employment obligations.
  4. Violation of professional ethical standards.
  5. Other threat to the public interest or breach of the law.*

* Providing information that is known to be false, as well as information that constitutes a state or official secret, does not give the person any guarantees under the Law on the Protection of Speakers of the Republic of Lithuania. A person who has provided knowingly false information or who has disclosed a State or official secret or a professional secret shall be liable in accordance with the procedure laid down in the legislation.

Description of the procedure for the implementation and functioning of the internal whistleblowing channel in the Library (.pdf, 253 KB) (in Lithuanian)

Breach Notification Form (.doc, 15 KB) (in Lithuanian)

A person submitting information about an infringement to the KAVB may submit it to a special e-mail address:, which is considered an internal channel, with the subject line “Concerning an infringement”.

Notifications are made to protect the public interest. Information submitted in order to protect personal interests will not be considered as a notification. Whistleblowers will be guaranteed confidentiality and may be subject to protection, promotion and assistance measures in accordance with the Law on the Protection of Whistleblowers of the Republic of Lithuania and other legal acts.

A person providing information on infringements must indicate in a free-form notification, and not by completing the prescribed infringement notification form, that the notification is made in accordance with the Law on the Protection of Whistleblowers of the Republic of Lithuania, the Annex to the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania No. 1133 of 14 November 2018.

In all matters related to the processing of the data subject’s personal data and the exercise of his/her rights, the data subject shall have the right to contact Miglė Proškienė, a lawyer acting as the Data Protection Officer of the Oak Grove Library (Public body Kaunas County Public Library), by e-mail: (Radastų St. 2, Kaunas, room 409).
Rules and annexes on the processing of personal data in the Library
Rules on the processing of personal data in the Library (No V-62 of 9 July 2019) (in Lithuanian)

Rules on video surveillance in the library

Description of the procedures for the use of video surveillance with audio recording equipment and the processing of video data in the Library (in Lithuanian)

Other legislation

LIBIS personal data processing rules (in Lithuanian)

Open data means freely accessible data, information or part of data, recorded in the activities or documents of an institution, regardless of the manner, form and medium in which it is provided, including registry data, registry information, data from documents and/or copies thereof submitted to the registry, and data from the public information system, which may be reused and disseminated by any person, for any purpose whatsoever, by indicating the source of the data, and under the conditions under which it was obtained. The opening up of publicly held data is linked to open and accountable governance and the opening up of new business opportunities in the country. The data is provided free of charge.

All open data in the country is published on the Lithuanian Open Data Portal, managed by the Committee for the Development of the Information Society.

The Oak Grove Library (Public body Kaunas County Public Library) does not currently have any open datasets under management.

Information is being prepared.