
Let’s Have a Chat

The Let’s Have a Chat Club aims to foster a culture of respectful dialogue that expands the boundaries of our knowledge.

We welcome people of all ages, genders, nationalities, marital statuses, professions, and interests who wish to engage in respectful conversations on relevant social topics, whether with like-minded individuals or those with different perspectives. During our meetings, we explore a wide range of social issues, from interpersonal relationships, intercultural and intergenerational dynamics, evolving perceptions of work, the impact of technology on daily life, interpretations of art, to discussions on global inequalities and the risks and opportunities they present.

Principles of the Let’s Have a Chat Club:

  • Sharing one’s thoughts is a privilege of freedom; listening to others is a rewarding endeavor.
  • Laughter accompanies both serious and light-hearted topics.
  • The world waits outside our door so that we can discuss it in peace.
  • Rules of the Let’s Have a Chat Club:

Communicate respectfully and kindly.
Together, we create a safe environment for conversation and community.
No bullying and no hatred.
Stay focused on the agreed topic and avoid straying too far into unrelated areas.
The Club meets once a month, on the last Wednesday of the current month from 17:30 to 19:00. The Club meets at the Oak Grove Library, in the Oak Hall. The Let’s Have a Chat Club welcomes both regulars and people who are passing through but cannot stay longer.

The conversations are moderated by sociologist Ieva Dryžaitė, who organises research at the Oak Grove Library, develops the interdisciplinary text section Sociology Box, is involved in non-formal education, and conducts research at Vytautas Magnus University.

Information about the Club’s meetings and planned topics of discussion can be found on the website and Facebook accountĄžuolyno biblioteka“. You do not need to register to attend the club meetings. Come to a scheduled meeting and participate!

You are also welcome to join the club’s Facebook group.

And if you would like to enquire about the club in person, please contact