
For Work and Study

At the Oak Grove Library, you can not only borrow books but also work, study, or write academic papers. In the renovated spaces at Radastų St. 2, there are areas for individual and group work where you can connect to wireless internet and work comfortably and quietly with your own computer. The library also offers computer workstations, self-service copying, and self-service for borrowing publications. K. Donelaičio g. In the building at K. Donelaičio St. 8, you’ll find reading rooms for Old and Rare Prints, Kaunas Studies, and Art and Music, helpful when looking for information on specific topics.

Kompiuterinės darbo vietos

The library provides access to open wireless internet, computers, and a variety of databases, all available for free use. These databases are particularly useful for writing academic papers, working in scientific and other fields, as they allow for easier and faster access to accurate information.

Reservations (Radastų St. 2):

3rd floor

4th floor

Mokymai Ąžuolyno bibliotekoje
Susibūrimų kambarys B
Žinių buveinė
Darbo vietos