23 April The first Protocol of Intentions of the Lithuanian Library Associations on cooperation in the implementation of the priority objectives of the Lithuanian education and culture policy, strengthening the library network, and increasing the diversity and quality of services to the public was signed on April 23, 2018 at the Lithuanian National Martynas Mažvydas Library. Aušrinė Žilinskienė, Director General of the National Library, called the National Library Association Agreement “an important landmark for the future of libraries in the implementation of national and regional cultural development projects. The agreement means that libraries share the same understanding of their priorities and agree to work towards their goals by mobilising society. To foster tolerance and critical thinking, information literacy, and to promote dialogue between the research community and society. It is particularly important to note that this agreement will create excellent conditions for strengthening professional cooperation and open, systematic and constructive dialogue between librarians from different sectors.”Dr. Laura Juchnevič, President of the Lithuanian Librarians’ Association and Director of the Ieva Simonaitytė Public Library of Klaipėda County, was pleased that the leaders of the libraries and librarians’ associations were able to agree on joint activities very quickly and smoothly. This is because all the associations feel the need to strengthen the community of librarians and share common goals in their activities. The Letter of Intent was signed by all the leaders of the seven Lithuanian library associations – the Lithuanian Librarians’ Association, the Association of Municipal Public Libraries, the Association of District Public Libraries, the Association of Lithuanian Research Libraries, the Association of Directors of Academic Libraries of Lithuania, the Association of College Librarians of Lithuania, and the Association of Lithuanian School Library Workers. Edita Urbonavičienė, Director of the Oak Tree Library, signed the Protocol representing the Association of County Public Libraries. The agreement was to cooperate in the implementation of the “Library for All” initiative, to promote dialogue between science and society, and to develop “citizen science” projects.The associations will work together in the framework of the National Lithuanian Libraries Week, as well as in joint reading promotion activities. They will cooperate in organising and conducting research in librarianship and related fields. The Memorandum of Understanding commits to actively participate in the process of media and information literacy competences development/education of the population. Strengthen people’s critical information literacy, civic engagement and resilience to information threats. The signed document will encourage cooperation between representatives in international organisations and fora, complement existing forms of communication and strengthen existing cooperation through normal professional channels. Lietuvos nacionalinės Martyno Mažvydo bibliotekos informationPhotos Vygaudo Juozaičio
The first national agreement between library associations is signed